Sacral Mastery for Human Design Generators & Manifesting Generators

A Three-Part, Self-Led Course through deeply embodying Sacral Wisdom for Generators & Manifesting Generators.


It’s time to BEcome who you’re meant to BE &
Unlock Your True Potential


Generator/Manifesting Generator, you have incredible SACRAL POWER.

But unless you know how to use it, you’re going to be

→ Bored
→ Frustrated
→ Burnt out

Am I right?

You’re not showing your best self to the world.

And I get it; I’ve been there.

I had read all about being a Generator but what does it all mean?

  • How do I make MONEY being a Generator/MG?

  • How do I RESPOND when I have nothing to respond to?

  • How do I take care of my ENERGY so I can do what I love?

  • How do I make the right DECISIONS about my business and life?

  • How do I DECONDITION my shadows so I can attract more FUN & ABUNDANCE into my life?

Carolynne Alexander | Women's Coach

Hey, I’m Carolynne.

2/4 Emotional Generator
Over 3 years into my Human Design experiment and over 18 years as an entrepreneur.

And I’m a former “#GirlBoss” and recovering workaholic!

I’ve been through burnout, a soul sucking corporate career, multiple businesses (many that flopped) and got paid pennies while supporting seven-figure businesses! I’ve paid thousands to traditional success coaches and business mentors but deep down I knew there was something missing. ME.

I was following instead of leading from a place of trust and deep knowing. Generic, old school, blueprint, surface level is not my thing. (It’s not yours either).

When I embraced my uniqueness, trusted my own energy, decided to claim my desires, my life opened up into spaciousness.

We all crave satisfaction, self-expression and spaciousness in our lives and business.

You know, deep in your heart, this is the way.

So, this is your invite to Know Thyself Deeper with Sacral Mastery.

What’s Included?

1. Know Thy Sacral – An intimate journey into knowing how to navigate life using your Sacral.

2. Deeper Dive into Sacral Living – Exploring the Archetypes that live in the Sacral and how to channel their energy

3. Sacral Money – How to build your business/career around Sacral Living and attracting the Abundance you desire.


Please note: There is a no refund policy on this product due to it being a digital product.

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Sacral Mastery for Human Design Generators/Man Gens

Sacral Mastery for Generators/Man Gens

A three-part deep dive into the Sacral Centre for Sacral Beings.

Including sacral business and money.

Written course for a more gentle experience.